B.Des in User Experience Design

MIT University Shillong offers UX design or User Experience design B.Des programme (8 semester) focuses on enhancing user satisfaction and usability by improving the overall usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. Learning UX design involves understanding user behavior, conducting research, creating wireframes and prototypes, and testing designs to create seamless and enjoyable user experiences.

Importance of UX Design:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: UX design ensures that products and services are accessible to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities, making technology more inclusive for everyone.
  • Improved Efficiency: Well-designed interfaces streamline processes, making technology and services more efficient, saving time and resources for both individuals and businesses.
  • Increased User Satisfaction: Good UX design leads to higher user satisfaction, fostering positive attitudes towards technology and encouraging its use, which, in turn, drives innovation and economic growth.
  • Empathy and Social Impact: UX designers often focus on understanding users' needs, leading to empathetic design solutions that can address societal issues, such as healthcare, education, and social inclusion.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Through user research and feedback analysis, UX designers provide valuable insights to businesses and policymakers, facilitating data-driven decision-making processes.

Career Opportunities:

  • High Demand: As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of user-centered design, there is a high demand for skilled UX designers across various industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and e-commerce.
  • Diverse Roles: UX design encompasses various roles, such as UX researchers, interaction designers, information architects, and usability analysts, providing diverse career paths for professionals with different skill sets and interests.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies with superior user experiences gain a competitive edge in the market, making UX design professionals indispensable for creating products and services that stand out.
  • Freelancing and Entrepreneurship: UX designers often have the flexibility to work as freelancers or start their own design agencies, allowing for entrepreneurial opportunities and creative independence.
  • Continuous Growth: The field of UX design is constantly evolving with advancements in technology, offering professionals opportunities for continuous learning and skill development.

In conclusion, learning UX design not only equips individuals with valuable skills for shaping the digital landscape but also contributes significantly to society by ensuring accessible, efficient, and user-friendly products and services. The field's growing demand and diverse career prospects make it an attractive choice for individuals aspiring to make a meaningful impact in the tech-driven world.

Academic Program | Syllabus

Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Effective Communication & Public Speaking 2
2 Introduction to Design - Design History, Theory & Applications 2
3 Design Drawing 1 4
4 Design Fundamentals 1 (Colour) 3
5 Design Fundamentals 2 (Geometry) 3
6 Fundamentals of Design 4 (Form Space and Structure 1) 4
7 Material Exploration - Bio Materials 4
8 Workshop 1 (Carpentry/Metal) 2
9 Digital Design 1 2
10 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 4
11 Community Service (Mandatory)#
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Stress & Anger Management 2
2 Applied Science in Design 2
3 Design Drawing 2 2
4 Design Fundamentals 4 (Composition) 3
5 Design Fundamentals 5 (Form Space & Structure 2) 4
6 Art & Craft of North East India 4
7 Model Making & Fabrication 2
8 Workshop 2 (Bamboo/Ceramics) 2
9 Digital Design 2 2
10 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 4
11 Community Service (Mandatory)#
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Time Management# (seminar & mandatory, pp/f grading)
2 Applied Psychology & Consumer Behaviour 4
3 Ancient Indian Art and Architecture 4
4 Introduction to UX Design 4
5 Introduction to UCD Approach 4
6 Creative Coding & Programming 4
7 Design Electives* 2
8 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 2
9 Internship (4 to 6 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Introduction to Ethics 2
2 Introduction to User Research 2
3 Simple UX Design- Project 4
4 Design for Web Technologies 3
5 Basics of Visual Design 3
6 Introduction to Human Factors 3
7 UI Design & Gestalt Psychology 3
8 Design Electives* 2
9 Sustainability Courses [Online, Self-Paced] 2
10 Internship (4 to 6 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Community Engagement & Social Responsibility (seminar)#
2 Introduction to AI & Machine Learning 2
3 Design Strategy & Management 2
4 Indian Approach to Sustainable Practices 2
5 Information Visualisation 4
6 System Analysis & Information Design 4
7 Digital Prototyping 4
8 Design for Special Needs- Project 4
9 Industry Lecture Series (seminar)#
10 Internship (6 to 8 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Conflict Resolution & Crisis Management 2
2 Computational Design Tools 2
3 Consumer Behavior and Market Research 2
4 Design for Sustainability - Project 6
5 Reporting - Design Case Studies 2
6 Design for Mobile Technologies 4
7 Introduction to AR/VR 4
8 Design Electives* 2
9 Industry Lecture Series (seminar)#
10 Internship (6 to 8 weeks) Optionals
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Principles of Marketing & Business Models 4
2 Usability Engineering 5
3 Design for the Future- Project 8
4 Introduction to Design Research 3
5 Design Electives* 2
Sr. No Course Name Credits
1 Intellectual Property Rights 2
2 Product Life Cycle Management 4
2 Keystone Graduation Project 18

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