MIT University, Meghalaya Staff members celebrated World Environment Day 2024

In a united spirit to celebrate World Environment Day, MIT University of Megha laya organised a series of activities highlighting eco logical conservation and community collaboration. The event was inaugurated at the Mawkasiang Football Ground, where students, faculty, and staff came to gether with the local com munity headman to promote environmental conserva tion. The celebration was graced by Basil Nongbri, the Locality headman of Umroh, Mawkasiang, who joined the university com munity in planting tree sap lings along with Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr, Debmalya Bhattacharya. Planting a variety of wild apples, pulps, and oranges, saplings MIT University engages with local community for environmental conservation symbolising the commit ment to promote biodiver sity and sustainability of the local ecosystem. During the tree planting ceremony, MIT University of Meghalaya expressed their gratitude to the Dor bar shnong of Umroh, Mawkasiang for the fortu itous opportunity to plant these saplings, giving a chance to take a significant step towards ensuring a greener, healthier future for our community and gener ations ahead.

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